Tuesday, March 18, 2014

History of Ayurveda..01

History of Ayurveda The name “Ayurveda” derives from the old indian language Sanskrit and means “Science of longevity”. It is said to be the eldest welfare system of the world and is over 3000 years old. The traditional Chinese medicine, the herbal medicine of the western countries as well as the modern holistic medicine probably are based on the Science of Ayurveda. Pythagoras and Hippokrates presumably found inspiration by Ayurveda in their knowledge. The arabic medicine most likely has been influenced by Ayurveda. The antique and medieval imagination of galenical juices has its roots in ayurvedic concepts too. As we know today the awareness and wide knowledge of Ayurveda was initially verbal passed down generations by indian seres (Rishis). Only after many time later a written record took place. These ancient and holy Sanskrit scriptures (so-called Veden) origínate from the second millennium B.C. They are as well the origin text for Yoga. Three old scriptures which are 2500 and 1200 years old refer to the ayurvedic medicine and became specific important: "Charaka Samhita", "Sushruta Samhita" and "Ashthanga Angrahal Samhita". It was a big surprise for the today´s medicine that here already were medicated topics as for example pathogenous microorganisms, hygiene and in detail described surgery methods (e.g. Caesarean). The structure of the body from separate cells was already well-known at that time too. Before approximately 2500 years of health the Indian doctor and first famous surgeon of world history SUSHRUTA defined in these scriptures in such a way: “Humans are called healthy, whose physiology is balanced, whose digestion and metabolism work well, whose tissue and capacities of expulsion run natural and whose soul, spirit and senses are in condition of permanent internal happiness“ Nothing more can be added to the knowledge of the last 2500 years! An authentic Ayurveda cure must stand on the foundation of the since millennia well-proven theoretical and practical awareness of Ayurveda. Figuratively seen an authentic Ayurveda cure consists of this foundation and the five crucial columns, which represent the holistic concept of an Ayurveda cure: These columns are: 1. The experience and/or the knowledge of the Ayurveda doctor 2. The Ayurveda remedies 3. The methods of treatment 4. The Ayurveda diet 5. The behavior of the patient of the health resort during and after the cure